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Healthy Embarrassment

I felt like I was about to pass out. Sweat dripped down my forehead, eyeliner was running, and my face was as red as the stop sign that seemed to wave hazily in the distance. My pause was rewarded with a meaningful side-eye. It's one thing to be absolutely rubbish at the activity you're pursuing, and it's 100,000,000,000,000 times worse to be that way and look bad while doing it. "I need to stop for a minute. I look awful. People might see me." "Nobody cares what you look like. They're not thinking about you. Keep going," Pat, friend and fitness tormentor, barked. I wrestled with my self-deprecating thoughts, but kept up the burpee momentum - smack dab in the middle of a park, for all to see. Looking like an absolute clueless train wreck. That was late 2018. That memory came to the forefront of my mind just the other day, thanks to Spotify. Some time ago,  friend of mine  proposed I evaluate the start of each day by determining the top 10 t...

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